The Magna Carta Project

Notification that the King has approved the will of William Marshal, especially in respect to his intention to found a Cistercian abbey in Ireland




Notification that the King has approved the will of William Marshal, especially in respect to his intention to found a Cistercian abbey in Ireland


William Marshal earl of Pembroke (c.1146-1219) (People)

Date of issue

3 December 1200

Place of issue

Hamstead Marshall (Places)


A = Lost original belonging to James Ware.


(from A) Sir William Dugdale and Roger Dodsworth, Monasticon Anglicanum, ed. J. Caley, H. Ellis and B. Bandinel, 6 vols in 8 (London 1846), vi, 1136.


A date in 1200 accords with the account of the foundation of Tintern Parva supplied by Gwynn and Hadcock, 142-3; Crouch, Marshal, 88n., 210-11, and cf. 218-19 for Geoffrey fitz Robert as the Marshal’s seneschal for Leinster.


Iohannes Dei gratia rex Anglie dominus Hibernie dux Normannie Aquitannie et comes Andegauie omnibus fidelibus suis salutem.  Noueritis nos gratum et ratum habere testamentum dilecti et fidelis nostri Willelmi Marescalli comitis Pembrochie sicut illud condidit per manus executorum ipsius testamenti faciendum, volentes et firmiter precipientes quod inuiolabiliter obseruetur, et precipue de voto suo perficiendo scilicet de quadam abbatia de ordine Cisterciensi in Hibernia construenda de triginta carrucatis terre in loco competenti sicut I(sabella) comitissa uxor sua et Gaufridus filius Roberti seneschallus eius prouidebunt quibus iniunxit hoc facerent.  Testibus dominis Exon’ et Wigorn’ episcopis, G(alfrido) filio Petri comite Essexie et W(illelmo) comite Saresbirie apud Hamstede iii. die Decembris.


Notification that the king has approved the will of William Marshal earl of Pembroke and wishes it to be observed invioably, especially concerning the fulfillment of his vow to have built a Cistercian abbey in Ireland, on 30 carucates of land in a place to be provided by the countess Isabella his wife and Geoffrey fitz Robert his seneschal, whom William has appointed for the task.

Charters not found in surviving rolls