The Magna Carta Project

Mandate to Roger de Lacy and others to hold the castle of Château-Gaillard at all costs




Mandate to Roger de Lacy and others to hold the castle of Château-Gaillard at all costs


Château-Gaillard, garrison of (People)

Date of issue

1 September 1203

Place of issue


B = Vatican, Philip Augustus Register A fo.38v, s.xiii in.


(facsimile from B) Delisle, Register A, fo.37v; (from B) Les Registres de Philippe–Auguste, ed. J.W. Baldwin (Paris 1992), 493 no.46


date: September 1203 X May 1204


Iohannes Dei gratia rex Anglie dominus Hybernie dux Normannie et Aquitanie comes Andegauie dilectis et fidelibus suis Rogerio de Cestria constabulario et aliis fidelibus suis in castro Andeliaco commorantibus salutem.  Gratias vobis referimus super bono et fideli seruicio vestro et vos rogamus in fide et hominagio quibus nobis tenemenini quatinus de castro nostro custodiendo pro posse vestro intendatis, ut a Deo et nobis et omnibus qui fidem et deuotionem vestram erga nos audierint digne laudari debeatis.  Si vero, quod absit, in tam arto fueritis positi quod vos ulterius tenere non possitis, tunc faciatis quod dilecti et fideles nostri Petrus de Pratellis et Guillelmus de Mortuo Mare et Hugo de Huellis clericus noster vobis mandabunt.


The king bestows his goodwill on Roger de Lacy and the garrison of Château-Gaillard for their good and faithful service and asks them, in consideration of the faith and hoamge by which they are bound to the king, to do all in their power in guarding the castle, so that they will deserve to be praised by all who hear of their faith and devotion to the king. If, God forbid, they find themselves unable to hold the castle any longer, they are to do as Peter de Préaux, William de Mortemer and Hugh de Huellis, a royal clerk, shall instruct them.

Charters not found in surviving rolls