The Magna Carta Project

Notification of the King’s confirmation of possessions and liberties to Beaubec Abbey




Notification of the King’s confirmation of possessions and liberties to Beaubec Abbey


Beaubec Abbey (Institutions)

Date of issue

26 October 1201

Place of issue


A = Rouen, Archives départementales de la Seine-Maritime 2H464 B = Ibid., in an original inspeximus by Henry V of England, 10 January 1421 C = PRO C64/15 (Norman Roll 8 Henry V part 3) m.12, the enrolment of B, 10 January 1421 D = Rouen AD Seine-Maritime G851 (Coutumier de Dieppe) fo.58r-v, copy made in 1396 E = Paris, Archives nationales JJ46 (Register of Philip IV) fo.38r-v no.38, in an inspeximus by Philip IV of France, June 1311 F = A Lost inspeximus by Charles VI of France dated 1400/1401, formerly in the Archives départementales at Rouen G = Paris, Archives nationales JJ155 (Register of Charles VI) fo.226r no.376, the registered copy of the inspeximus F, s.xv in. G = Dieppe, Bibliothèque Municipale ms.45 fos.102v-103r, copy from D, s.xvii


(from F) D. Gurney, The Record of the House of Gournay, 4 vols (London 1848–58), i, 109-10 no.6; (from C) Sir William Dugdale and Roger Dodsworth, Monasticon Anglicanum, ed. J. Caley, H. Ellis and B. Bandinel, 6 vols in 8 (London 1846), vi, 1069; (calendar from E) Registres du Trésor des Chartes: Tome 1, règne de Philippe le Bel, ed. R. Fawtier and others (Paris 1958), 250 no.1312; (from ABCDEFG) Norman charters from English sources: antiquaries, archives and the rediscovery of the Anglo-Norman past, ed. N.C. Vincent (London, 2013), no. 2


Charters not found in surviving rolls