Identity |
B159 |
Title |
Notification by King John of his grant to the lepers of Le Bois-Halbout and the canons of Notre-Dame du Val of an annual rent of 30 livres in the manor of Ste-Mère-Eglise |
Beneficiary |
Le Bois-Halbout (Institutions) |
Date of issue |
1 September 1202 |
Place of issue |
Sources |
B = PRO C 52/26 (Cartae Antiquae Roll BB) no.11, headed carta episcopi London’ de manerio de Measdon’, rubbed and illegible at the left and right hand sides, s.xiii in. C = BL ms. Harley 85 fos.18v-19r (325v-326r), copy from B, s.xvii. |
Printed |
(from BC) Norman charters from English sources : antiquaries, archives and the rediscovery of the Anglo-Norman past, ed. N.C. Vincent (London, 2013), no. 4 |
Comment |
Date September 1202 X May 1203. For an annual rent of 35 livres 12s. paid to William de Ste-Mère-Eglise, bishop of London (1199-1221), for his lifetime and that of his mother, first recorded in the Norman Pipe Roll account for 1184, still being paid in the account for 1203, see Magni Rotuli Scaccarii Normanniae sub regibus Angliae, ed. T. Stapleton, 2 vols (London 1840–44), i, 276, ii, 472, 506. The date of the present charter can nonetheless be fixed in the Exchequer years 4 or 5 John on the basis of entries in the English Pipe Roll where an allowance of £10 17d. from Maldon attributed at Michaelmas 1202 to the lepers of Le Bois-Halbout was transferred by Michaelmas 1203 to bp William of London per breve regis, the other moiety of the manor being held at this time by Robert fitz Erneis (PR 4 John, 258-9; 5 John, 123, and for Robert fitz Erneis’ English lands, see Norman charters from English sources : antiquaries, archives and the rediscovery of the Anglo-Norman past, ed. N.C. Vincent (London, 2013), no.5). In all likelihood, the present charter was originally entered on the Charter Roll 4 John (May 1202-May 1203), now missing. It does not appear on the surviving Charter Roll 5 John, suggesting a further narrowing of the date to the period before May 1203. For the leper hospital at Le Bois-Halbout, placed under the authority of the abbey of Notre-Dame du Val, for Eudo fitz Erneis’ grants, confirmed c.1170 by Robert fitz Erneis his nephew, and for grants made to the lepers before the present charter, by King Richard I in the manor of Ste-Mère-Eglise, 18 March 1190 renewed 5 November 1198, see M. Arnoux, 'Actes de l'abbaye Notre-Dame-du-Val', Le Pays Bas-Normand: Société d'Art et d'Histoire, ccxxxvii-viii (2000), 47-53 esp. nos.26a-b, 28; Liber Feodorum. The Book of Fees Commonly Called Testa de Nevill, 3 vols (London 1920–31), i, 121; Calendar of documents preserved in France, illustrative of the history of Great Britain and Ireland: Vol.1. A.D. 918-1206, ed. J. Horace Round (London, 1899), no.1457; The Itinerary of King Richard I, ed. L. Landon, PRS new series xiii (1935), 157 no.233. Cf. English Episcopal Acta 26: London 1189-1228, ed. D.P. Johnson (Oxford 2003), no.229, where, in 1223, bishop Eustace of London assigned an annual payment of 5 marks for the term of his life from his moiety of the manor of Maldon, acquired by bp William, to be spent by the dean and chapter of St Paul’s on obit celebrations for kings Henry II and John. |
<Iohannes> Dei gratia rex Angl(ie) etc. Sciatis nos dedisse, concessisse et presenti carta confirmasse Deo et sancto Iacobo et leprosis de Bosco Hereboldi et canonicis de Valle ipsos procurantibus pro salute nostra et anima patris nostri et antecessorum nostrorum <triginta libr>atas terre Andeg(auenses) cum pertinentiis suis quas Will(elmus) London’ episcopus de nob(is) tenebat in manerio de Sancte Marie Ecclesia assensu et voluntate ipsius episcopi in puram et perpetuam elem(osinam) in escamb(io) medietatis manerii de Mealdon’ quam idem leprosi habeb<ant de do>natione Eudonis filii Ernisii. Et h(oc) fecimus ad instantiam et petitionem dictorum leprosorum pro salute nostra et antecessorum nostrorum quia dicta terra de Sancte Marie Ecclesia eis melius sedens fuit et utilior. Dictam autem medietatem manerii de Meal<don’ cum pertine>ntiis quam idem leprosi habebant dedimus Deo et ecclesie beati Pauli Lond’ et prefato Willelmo Lond’ episcopo et successoribus suis in puram et perpetuam elem(osinam) possidendam pro salute nostra et animabus patris nostri et antecessorum nostrorum, et ipse episcopus tant(um) faciet <quod tempore> suo et successorum suorum in cathedrali ecclesia beati Pauli sollempniter celebrabitur anniuersarium patris nostri singulis annis et pro nobis speciales orationes quamdiu vixerimus in ecclesia sua facient, et post decessum nostrum singulis annis anniuersa<rium> nostrum similiter facient celebrari. Quare volumus et firmiter precipimus quod predictus Will(elmus) episcopus Lond’ et successores sui et predicti leprosi de Bosco Hereboldi et canonici de Valle ipsos procurantes habeant et teneant in perpetuum omnia predicta <sicut predictum> est bene et in pace, libere et quiete, integre et plenarie et honorifice cum omnibus libertatibus et liberis consuetudinibus ad predictam pertinentibus. His t(estibus): E(ustacio) Elyensi et H(erberto) Saresbir’ episcopis.
Notification by King John of his grant to the lepers of Le Bois-Halbout (Calvados, cant. Thury-Harcourt, com. Cesny-Bois-Halbout) and the canons of Notre-Dame du Val (Calvados, cant. Thury-Harcourt, com. St-Omer) of an annual rent of 30 livres in the manor of Ste-Mère-Eglise (Manche) previously held by William (de Ste-Mère-Eglise) bishop of London, in exchange for a moiety of the manor of Maldon (Essex) which the lepers have by gift of Eudo fitz Erneis, granting the land at Maldon to the church of St Paul’s London and to bishop William in return for obit celebrations and prayers for King Henry II and King John.