The Magna Carta Project

Notification by King John that he has granted to the men of Falaise quittance from passage, pontage, paage and lestage throughout his lands save at London




Notification by King John that he has granted to the men of Falaise quittance from passage, pontage, paage and lestage throughout his lands save at London


Men of Falaise (People)

Date of issue

11 August 1202

Place of issue

Argentan (Places)


B = PRO C64/15 (Norman Roll 8 Henry V part 3) m.21, in an inspeximus, 12 January 1421 C = Caen Archives départementales du Calvados 386 Edt 1, copied into the cartulaire de la ville de Falaise, fo.6r, 1358 D = Ibid. copy from B by Bréquigny, 17 June 1786 E = Ibid., copy from an unidentified source, s.xvii/xviii F = Ibid., copy from ?D, shown to Augustine Thierry, s.xix G = Ibid., copy, s.xix H = Semilly, Marquis de Mathan ms. Lenoir 73 p.614, copy from B, s.xviii J = Ibid. ms. Lenoir 69 pp.337-8, copy as in H, s.xviii


 (from a lost register of the Chambre des Comptes) G.–A. de la Roque, Histoire généalogique de la maison de Harcourt, 4 vols (Paris 1662), iv, 1414, whence P.G. Langevin, Recherches historiques sur Falaise (Falaise 1814), 165-6n.; (briefly noticed) F. Galeron, Statistique de l'arrondissement de Falaise, 3 vols. (Falaise 1826-9), i, 56; P. German, Histoire de Falaise (Condé-sur-Noireau 1993), 130; (from BCDEFG) Norman charters from English sources : antiquaries, archives and the rediscovery of the Anglo-Norman past, ed. N.C. Vincent (London, 2013), no.3


The inspeximus further recites charters of Philip Augustus granting the leper house of Falaise a fair of seven days, May 1204 (Recueil des actes de Philippe-Auguste, roi de France, ed. H.-F. Delaborde, M. Nortier and others, 5 vols. (Paris 1916-), ii, 370 no.791); Philip Augustus  grants quittance to the men of Falaise from passage, pontage etc, given at Falaise, 1204 (Recueil des Actes de Philippe-Auguste, ii, 368-9 no.790); Louis (IX) addressed  to the bailli of Caen, granting the  paupers of the Domus Dei at Falaise timber from the forest of Canivet (Calvados), April 1256; John Marshal lord of Argentan, son of Henry Marshal, grants quittance to the men of Falaise from passage, pontage etc at Argentan n.d.; Philip (III) on the rights to grain of the Domus Dei at Falaise, August 1280, these last three apparently unpublished.  For letters patent sent to the newly appointed constable of Falaise in February 1203, commanding him to respect the commune established by the men of the town, see Rotuli Litterarum Patentium, 24, 24b, whence Langevin, Recherches historiques sur Falaise, 165.  Amongst the town charters of Falaise now deposited at Caen (Archives départementales du Calvados 386 Edt 1-2) the earliest surviving original is a charter of Charles IV of December 1324.


Iohannes Dei gratia rex Anglie, dominus Hibern(ie), dux Normannie, Acquitanie, comes And(egauie) archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, comitibus, baronibus, iusticiar(iis), vic(ecomitibus), prepositis et omnibus balliuis et fidelibus suis salutem.  Sciatis nos dedisse et concessisse et hac carta nostra confirmasse burgensibus nostris de Falesia et heredibus suis quietanciam per totam terram nostram excepta ciuitate London' de passagio, pontagio, paagio et lestagio et omni alia consuetudine ad nos pertinente de omnibus rebus et mercandisis suis, et prohibemus ne quis eos aut homines eorum contra hanc concessionem nostram in aliquo vexet vel disturbet super decem librarum forisfacturam.  T(estibus) W(illelmo) com(ite) Arundell', comite Willelmo Marescallo, Rad(ulfo) Tax' sen(escallo) Norm(annie), Rob(erto) de Harecort, Gir(ardo) de Forniuall', Petro de Pratell', Gileb(erto) de Aquila, Ric(ardo) de Reueriis.  Dat' per manum Hugonis de Well' apud Argenthoem' xi. die Augusti anno regni nostri quarto.


Notification that the king has granted to the men of Falaise quittance throughout his lands except London of passage, pontage, paage and lestage and all customs pertaining to their goods and merchandise.

Charters not found in surviving rolls