Identity |
B179 |
Title |
Notification of the King’s confirmation to Forde Abbey of possessions and liberties |
Beneficiary |
Forde Abbey (Institutions) |
Date of issue |
10 October 1204 |
Place of issue |
Lambeth (Places) |
Sources |
B = PRO C 53/ (Charter Roll 6 Edward II) m.13, in an inspeximus, 5 February 1313 C = PRO C 52/8 (Cartae Antiquae Roll H) no.12, s.xiii in. D = PRO C 47/12/6 (Cartae Antiquae Roll MM) no.11, s.xiii ex. E = PRO E 40/228 |
Printed |
(from B) Cal.Chart.R. 1300-26, 207-9; (calendar from C)The Cartae Antiquae Rolls 1-10, ed. L. Landon, Pipe Rolls Society n.s. xvii (1939), i, 120 no.244 |
Comment |
I(ohannes) Dei gratia etc archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus etc. Sciat(is) nos concessisse et presenti carta nostra confirmasse in perpetuam elemosinam abbatie de Forda et monach(is) ibidem Deo seruientibus ecclesiam de Tornecumbe in cuius parochia dicta abbathia sita est et totum manerium de Tornecumba cum omnibus pertin(entiis) suis sic(ut) Aelicia vicecomitissa que illud manerium eis in elemosinam dedit unquam melius et liberius illud tenuit, et terram de Sterta ex dono reg(is) Henr(ici) patris nostri cum omnibus pertin(entiis) suis, et Asweiam quod abbas et predicti monachi emerunt de canonic(is) Tanton’ et de Hug(one) R. Turbereuill’ (sic), ex dono Ric(ardi) fil(ii) Baldewini Uppecotam, et ex venditione monachorum de Morgan quinque ferlingos terre ex dono Ric(ardi) de Balega duos ferlingos in tenemento de Assa et ex venditione (written as venvenditione) Walteri filii Baldewini de Assa quicquid est inter predictos vii. ferlingos terre preter solum pratum quod dicitur Brademede, ex dono Ric(ard)i de Turberuill’ unam virgatam terre in Asweia, ex dono et venditione Henr(ici) fil(ii) Willelmi Colebrock’, ex dono Henr(ici) de Pomera unum ferlingum terre que appellatur Tunbrichestesford’ in Exemora, ex dono Eustach(ii) fil(ii) Stephani unum mes(suagium) in Oxonia, ex dono Manasser(ii) Maluoisin ....
Notification that the king has granted to Forde Abbey the church of Thorncombe, in whose parish the Abbey lies, and the whole manor of Thorncombe, as Aelicia the sheriff granted the manor to the Abbey, and the land of Sturthill granted by Henry II, and ‘Asweia’ which the abbot and monks bought from the canons of Taunton and Hugh R. Turbeville, and the gift of Richard fitz Baldwin of ‘Uppecota’, and five ferlings of land from Morgan York bought by the monks, and the gift of Richard de Balega of two ferlings in the tenement of ‘Assa’, and from ‘Assa’ whatever is between the aforesaid seven ferlings of land except the meadown that is called Broadmead sold by Walter fitz Baldwin, and the gift of Richard de Turbeville of one virgate of land in ‘Asweia’, and Colebrooke granted and sold by Henry fitz William, and the gift of Henry de Pomera of one ferling of land which is called ‘Tunbrichestesford’ in Exmoor, and the gift of Eustace fitz Stephen of one messuage in Oxford, and the gift of Manasser Maluoisin...