Identity |
B13 |
Title |
Notification of the King's grant to Gundreda, widow of Geoffrey Hose, of custody of Geoffrey Hose her son |
Beneficiary |
Gundreda de Warenne (People) |
Date of issue |
11 June 1199 |
Place of issue |
Canterbury (Places) |
Sources |
B = PRO C 52/3 (Cartae Antiquae Roll C) no.19, s.xiii in. |
Printed |
(from B) The Cartae Antiquae Rolls 1-10, ed. L. Landon, Pipe Rolls Society n.s. xvii (1939), i, 54 no.91 |
Comment |
Iohannes Dei gratia rex Anglie dominus Hybernie dux Normannie Aquitanie comes Andegauie omnibus ad quos littere iste venerint salutem. Sciatis nos concessisse Gundrede de Warenna que quondam fuit uxor Galfridi Hosati ut habeat custodiam Galfridi Hosati filii et heredis sui cum tota terra sua donec talem etatem habuerit quod secundum consuetudinem regni possit et debeat terras tenere et ut ipsa maritet eundem G(alfridum) per consilium parentum et amicorum suorum pro ducentis marcis argenti quas nobis dedit pro concessione ista et pro omnibus rebus aliis que ad terram illam pertinent, et nos litteras istas ei inde fecimus in testimonium. Testibus hiis: H(uberto) Cantuariensi archiepiscopo cancellario nostro et Willelmo Londoniensi episcopo, <xi.> die Iunii aput Cantuariam.
Notification that the king has granted to Gundreda de Warenne, widow of Geoffrey Hose, that she may have the custody of of Geoffrey Hose son and heir of her late husband, with all his lands until he comes of age, and the right to decide his marriage, and for this concession she has given the king 200 marks.