Identity |
B106 |
Title |
Notification to Henry bishop of Bayeux of an irregular settlement concenring the church of Ecrammeville and order to restore the church to the abbot of Tewkesbury |
Beneficiary |
Ecrammeville, church of (Institutions) |
Date of issue |
13 March 1202 |
Place of issue |
Montfort-sur-Risle (Places) |
Sources |
B = BL ms. Cotton Cleopatra A vii (Tewkesbury cartulary) fo.92r (88r, 90r), s.xiii |
Printed |
(from B) Sir William Dugdale and Roger Dodsworth, Monasticon Anglicanum, ed. J. Caley, H. Ellis and B. Bandinel, 6 vols in 8 (London 1846), ii, 79 no.79; Norman charters from English sources : antiquaries, archives and the rediscovery of the Anglo-Norman past, ed. N.C. Vincent (London, 2013), 46 |
Comment |
For the King’s presence at Montfort on 13 March 1202, see Rotuli Litterarum Patentium, ed. T.D. Hardy (London 1835), 7; Rotuli de Liberate ac de misis et praestitis regnante Iohanne, ed. T.D. Hardy (London 1844), 27-8. The present letters are otherwise unrecorded, although they might conceivably have been enrolled on the lost Norman chancery contrabrevia roll for the year 3 John. The same source (BL ms. Cotton Cleopatra A vii fos.90r-92r) recites the original grant of the church of Ecrammeville to the church of St James Bristol (1164 X 1183, cf. Patterson, Earldom of Gloucester charters : the charters and scribes of the Earls and Countesses of Gloucester to A.D. 1217, ed. R. B. Patterson (Oxford, 1973), no.38), and its confirmation by King Henry II (1172 X 1179, cf. Acta Henry II, no.323), Henry bp of Bayeux (after 1165) and Rotrou archbp of Rouen (1164 X 1183, cf. Sir William Dugdale and Roger Dodsworth, Monasticon Anglicanum, ed. J. Caley, H. Ellis and B. Bandinel, 6 vols in 8 (London 1846), ii, 78 no.79). |
I(ohannes) Dei gratia etc venerabili in Cristo patri H(enrico) eadem gratia Baioc’ episcopo salutem. Sciatis iudicatum esse in curia nostra quod stare non debet recognitio illa que facta fuit inter abbatem Theok’ et Willelmum Infantem de ultima presentatione ecclesie de Escromouill’ quia recognitio illa capta fuit sine precepto nostro et warento senescalli vestria (sic? recte nostri) coram aliis quam iust(iciis) nostris, et coram talibus coram quibus capi non debuit et contra cartam predicti abbatis quam habet de Willelmo quondam com(ite) Glouc’ qui ecclesiam illam dedit ecclesie sancti Iacobi Bristll’ que est cella de Theok’ et contra confirmationem H(enrici) reg(is) patris nostri et confirmationem Rotrodi quondam Rotomag’ archiepiscopi et etiam contra confirmationem vestram, et ideo vobis mandamus quatinus eidem abbati faciatis habere sine dilatione talem seisinam de predicta ecclesia qualem inde habuit antequam predicta recognitio inter ipsum et Willelmum Infantem processisset, ammouentes omnino personam illam quam in ea posuistis post illam recognitionem ad presentationem ipsius Willelmi Infantis. Teste <me> ipso apud Munford xiii. die Marcii.
Notification to Henry bishop of Bayeux, informing him that it has been determined in the King’s court that a settlement ‘de ultima presentatione’ over the church of Ecrammeville (Calvados, cant. Trévières), disputed between the abbot of Tewkesbury and William Infans, was held without the King’s order or warrant of the seneschal, before justices who were not the King’s and who had no right to take the case, and in contradiction of a charter of William late earl of Gloucester, who gave the church to the church of St James in Bristol, which is a cell of Tewkesbury, and the charter of confirmation of Henry II, and the charter of confirmation of Rotrou archbishop of Rouen. The King orders the bishop to restore the church to the abbot, removing the incumbent whom the bishop placed there after the earlier settlement at the presentation of William Infans.