Identity |
B50 |
Title |
Notification of the terms on which the King and Joan, the king's sister, compounded over the debts owed to Joan by the late King Richard |
Beneficiary |
Joan the king's sister (People) |
Date of issue |
26 August 1199 |
Place of issue |
Rouen (Places) |
Sources |
B = BN ms. Latin 5480 part 1 p.256, copy by Gaignières from an original sealed in white wax on red silk cords, s.xviii. |
Printed |
Calendar of documents preserved in France, illustrative of the history of Great Britain and Ireland: Vol.1. A.D. 918-1206, ed. J. Horace Round (London, 1899), 391-2 no.1103, said to be taken from a sealed original in Lechaudé’s own archive. |
Comment |
Notum sit presentibus et futuris quode sic conuentum inter dominum Iohannem illustr(em) regem Angl(ie) et venerabilem sororem suam Iohannam reginam Sicilie de omnibus debitis que dominus Ric(ardus) rex Angl(ie) frater illorum predicte Iohanne debuit, scilicet quod predictus Iohannes rex assignauit ei ad testamentum suum faciendum secundum quod ipsa disposuit distribuend(um) per manus reuerentissime A(lienoris) Anglorum regine matris eorum, H(uberti) Cant’ et W(alteri) Rothom’ et G(alfridi) Eborac’ archiepiscoporum tria milla marcharum argenti soluend(um) ad terminos quos A(lienor) regina predicta et prefati H(ubertus), W(alterus) et G(alfridus) archiepiscopi statuant. Et cum predictus I(ohannes) rex predicta tria mill(ia) marcarum persoluerit, quietus erit de omnibus debitis que predictus rex Ric(ardus) predicte regine Iohanne debuit. Testibus H(uberto) Cant’, W(altero) Rothom’, G(alfrido) Eborac’ archiepiscopis, Luca abbate de Turpen’, H(e)nr(ico) de Barneuall’, S(imone) Walln’ archid(iacono), Iohanne de Gray, Hug(one) de Wellis’ apud Rothom’ anno regni regis Iohannis i., 26 die Augusti.
Notification of an agreement between the king and Joan, his sister, Queen of Sicily, concerning all the debts that King Richard owed her, namely that King John has assigned to her, for the making of her will, 3,000 silver marks, which she has arranged be distrubted by Queen Eleanor the king’s mother, Hubert archbishop of Canterbury, Walter archbishop of Rouen and Geoffrey archbishop of York, to be paid at terms to be appointed by the aforesaid Queen Eleanor and aforesaid archbishops. And when King John has paid the aforesaid 3,000 marks he will be quit of all the debts that King Richard owed Queen Joan.