The Magna Carta Project

Notification of the King’s grant of the town of Cambridge to the men of Cambridge at the customary farm of £40 blanche with an increment of £20 tail, granting the men the right to make their own reeve.




Notification of the King’s grant of the town of Cambridge to the men of Cambridge at the customary farm of £40 blanche with an increment of £20 tail, granting the men the right to make their own reeve.


Men of Cambridge (People)

Date of issue

8 May 1207

Place of issue

Lambeth (Places)


Cambridge Guildhall, City Charters


B = TNA C 52/10 (Cartae Antiquae Roll K) no.7, s.xiii in.


Sealed sur double queue, pink cords through 2 holes, central fragment of seal impression in natural wax varnished green.


TNA C 52/10 (Cartae Antiquae Roll K) no.7


from A) F. W. Maitland and M. Bateson, The Charters of the Borough of Cambridge (Cambridge, 1201), 7-9 no.4; (from B)The Cartae Antiquae Rolls 1-10, ed. L. Landon, Pipe Rolls Society n.s. xvii (1939), i, 139 no.290



Three pen strokes to complete the line after the final word octauo.   


Iohannes Dei gratia rex Angl(ie) dominus Hybernie dux Normann(ie) et Aquit(anie) comes Andeg(auie) archiepiscopis, episcopis, abb(atibus), comit(ibus), baron(ibus), iustic(iis), vic(ecomitibus), preposit(is) et omnibus ball(iu)is et fidelibus suis salutem.  Sciatis nos concessisse et hac carta nostra confirmasse burgensibus nostris de Cantebrig' villam de Cantebrig' cum omnibus pertinent(iis) suis habendam et tenendam in perpetuum de nob(is) et heredibus nostris sibi et heredibus suis, reddendo inde annuatim ad scaccarium nostrum antiquam firmam, scil(ice)t quadraginta libr(as) albas et viginti libr(as) numero de cremento pro omni seruicio per manum eorum ad duo scacc(ar)ia anni.  Quare volumus et firmiter precipimus quod predicti burgenses et heredes sui habeant et teneant predictam villam cum omnibus pertinent(iis) suis bene et in pace, libere et quiete, integre, plenarie et honorifice, in pratis et pascuis, molendinis, aquis et stagnis cum omnibus libertatibus et liberis consuetudinibus suis.  Concessimus etiam eis quod faciant de se ipsis prepositum quem voluerint et quando voluerint.  T(estibus): d(omi)nis W(illelmo) Lond', P(etro) Wint', I(ohanne) Norwic', I(oscelino) Bathon' episcopis, G(alfrido) filio Petri com(ite) Essex', com(ite) Alberico, Will(el)mo Briwerr', Galfr(ido) de Neuill', Regin(aldo) de Cornhill'.  Data per manum Hug(onis) de Well' archid(iacon)i Wellensis apud Lamheam, vii°. die Maii anno regni nostri octauo.

Original Charters of King John