Identity |
Title |
Notification of the King's confirmation of gifts to Selby Abbey |
Beneficiary |
Selby Abbey (Institutions) |
Date of issue |
5 March 1204 |
Place of issue |
Nottingham (Places) |
Archive |
A = New York, Morgan Library MA746 |
Copies |
B = TNA C 53/5 (Charter Roll 5 John) m.10. C = BL ms. (Selby Coucher Book) |
Seal |
Originally sealed sur double queue, cords through 4 holes, plica now cut away leaving small fragment of fold. |
Enrolled |
TNA C 53/5 (Charter Roll 5 John) m.10. |
Printed |
(from B) RC, 121b; (from C) The Coucher Book of Selby: from the original Ms. in the possession of Thomas Brooke, ed. J. T. Fowler, 2 vols. (Cambridge, 2013), i, 27. |
Scribes |
Comment |
Endorsed: I. reg(is) (s.xiv); Elneby, Botenesford’ et ii. bov(atas) terre etiam Eluestheyth et omnes croftas qui sunt in Moswod’ et terre Wottwyk et iiii. piscar(ias) eidem terre pertin(entibus) (s.xiii/xiv); bona carta Iohannis reg(is) (s.xv/xvi); various post-medieval endorsements including (in blue crayon, s.xix) 3966. Approx. 245 X 178. |
Iohannes Dei gratia rex Angl’ dominus Hybern’ dux Normann’ et Aquit’ comes Andeg’ archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, comit(ibus), baronibus, iustic(iis), vic(ecomitibus), prepositis, ministris et omnibus balliuis et fidelibus suis salutem. Sciatis nos concessisse et presenti carta nostra confirmasse abbati et monachis de Seleby rationabiles donationes subscriptas, scilicet de dono Willelmi Tyssun ecclesiam de Uueslay, de dono Wydon(is) de Ver ecclesiam de Botnesford’ cum omnibus pertinentiis suis et ecclesiam sancti Bartholomei ex occidentali parte Lincol’ iuxta castellum cum omnibus pertinentiis suis, de dono Rogeri de Mobray sex bouatas terre et quinque acras terre in Uuestueit, de dono Nigell(i) de Mobray Tuncroft et omnes croftas qui sunt in Moswude. Preterea concessimus eis et confirmauimus de dono Widon(is) de Ver totam terram in Butrewic super Trent de feodo et tenura sua cum omnibus pertinentiis in omnibus locis, et quattuor piscarias eidem tenure pertinentes sicut carte predictorum donatorum quas inde habent rationabiliter testantur. Quare volumus et firmiter precipimus quod predicti abbas et monachi de Seleby habeant et teneant omnia predicta bene et in pace, libere et quiete, integre, plenarie et honorifice in omnibus locis et rebus cum omnibus libertatibus et liberis consuetudinibus suis sicut predictum est. Test(ibus) G(alfrido) filio Petri com(ite) Essex’, R(oberto) com(ite) Leyrcestr’, Willelmo Briwerr’, Hugone de Neuill’, Roberto de Veteri Ponte, Simone de Patteshull’, Petro de Stok’. Dat’ per manum Symonis prepositi Beuerlac’ et archidiachoni Wellens’ apud Notingham v. die Marcii anno regni nostri quinto.
Notification that the king has granted and in this his present charter confirmed to the abbot and monks of Selby the gifts written below, namely the gift of William Tison of the church of Kirk Ella, the gift of Guy de Vere of the church of Bottesford (Lincolnshire) and the church of St Bartholomew in the western part of Lincoln by the castle, the gift of Roger de Mowbray of six bovates of lands and five acres of land in ‘Uuestueit’, the gift of Nigel de Mowbray of ‘Tuncroft’ and all crofts in ‘Moswude’. Moreover the king grants and confirms the gift of Guy de Veer of the whole land in East Butterwick from his fee and tenure, and four fisheries pertaining to the same tenure, as is reasonably set out in the charters of the aforesaid gifts.