The Magna Carta Project

Notification of the King's grant of protection to Bonport Abbey




Notification of the King's grant of protection to Bonport Abbey


Bonport Abbey (Institutions)

Date of issue

13 July 1202

Place of issue

Bonport (Places)


Evreux AD Eure H1737


B = BN ms. Latin 13906 (Bonport cartulary) fos.24v-25r, s.xiii C = Evreux AD IIF2147 p.1393, briefly listed in an inventory as liasse 93 no.4, 1784 D = Ibid. H245 fos.1237v-1238r, copy of the inventory as in C, 1784


All evidence of sealing cut away.     



(from B) Cartulaire de l'abbaye royale de Notre-Dame de Bon-Port, ed. J. Andrieux (Evreux 1862), 30-1 no.33.  Checked v. B 30.ix.14, v. A 3.x.14. 



Fragment only, cut from the left hand side, perhaps for bookbinding.  Endorsed: various modern endorsements including 93e liasse no.4 (s.xviii); Inventorie ZZZZ. quadruplés (s.xviii).  Approx. 105 X 65mm.

Letters in brackets <> missing from A, supplied from B.

Cf. RLP, 14b.

Photo of charter

Ioh(anne)s Dei gratia rex Angl(ie) dominus Hybernie dux Norm(annie), Aquit(anie) com(es) Andeg(auie) omnibus ball(iu)is et seruientibus et fidelibus suis ad quos presentes littere peruenerint salutem. Sciatis quod suscepimus in manum, custodiam et protectionem nostram abbatem et monachos de Bono Portu et omnes terras, homines, res et possessiones eorum, et ideo vob(is) mandamus et firmiter precipimus quatinus eos et omnia sua custodiatis, manuteneatis et defendatis, et non faciatis eis aut fieri permittatis iniuriam, grauamen aut molestiam, et si eis in aliquo forisfactum fuerit, idem eis sine dilatione faciatis emendari. Test(e) me ipso apud Bonumportum xiii. die Iulii.


Notification that the king has granted his protection to the abbot and monks of Bonport and their lands, people and possessions.

Original Charters of King John