The Magna Carta Project

Notification of the King's grant of an annual fair at Morpeth (Northumberland) to Roger de Merlay



Notification of the King's grant of an annual fair at Morpeth (Northumberland) to Roger de Merlay


Roger de Merlay (People)

Date of issue

26 March 1200

Place of issue

York (Places)


A = Castle Howard Archive, ref. A1/17. Reproduced by kind permission of the Howard Family; photography by Peter Smith Photography


B = TNA C 53/2 (Charter Roll 1 John part 2) m.20.


Sealed sur double queue, traces of a hole for sealing on cords, cords and seal impression missing.


TNA C 53/2 (Charter Roll 1 John part 2) m.20.


(from B) RC, 40



Endorsed: ...... concess... Rogero de Merlay feriam de Morpeth anno primo reg(is) .... (s.xv/xvi); ...... feria ....... in die mercurii (s.xv/xvi). Approx. 238 X 88 + 50mm. A substantial portion of the right hand side of the document entirely torn away.

Dated by its position on the Charter Roll between two other charters both dated at York on 26 March 1200.

Letters in brackets <> missing from A, supplied from B.

Photo of charterPhoto of charter

Iohannes Dei gratia rex Angl(ie) adominus Hybern(ie) dux Norm(annie) Aquit(anie) et com(es) And(egauie) archiepiscopis, episcopis, com(itibus), baron(ibus), iustic(iis), vic(ecomitibus) et omnibus balliuis et fidelibus suis salutema. Sciatis nos concessisse et presenti carta confirmasse Rogero de Merlay et heredibus suis quod habeant in perpetuum singulis annis unam feriam apud Morpath' per unum diem duraturam, scil(icet) in festo sancte Marie Magdalen(e) et singulis ebdomodis unum mercatum in die mercurii. Quare volumus et firmiter precipimus quod predicuts Rogerus et heredes sui post ipsum predictam feriam et predictum mercatum habeant bene et in pace sic(ut) predictum est cum omnibus libertatibus et liberis consuetudinibus ad huiusmodi ferias et mercata pertinentibus, ita t(ame)n quod non sint ad nocumentum vicinarum feriarum aut vicinorum mercatorum. Hiis testibus: Gaufrido fil(io) Petri com(ite) Essex', Will(el)mo Briwer', Hug(one) Bard', Will(el)m(o) de Stuteuill', Roberto bde Rosb, cEustacioc de Vesci, Simon(e) de Pateshill'. Dat' per man(us) Symon(is) archid(iaconi) Wellen' et Ioh(ann)is de Gray ............................

aetc B bB ends here etc c....stacio A, <Eu>stacio supplied


Notification that the king has granted and in this his present charter confirmed to Roger de Merlay and his heirs that they may have in perpetuity a fair every year at Morpeth (Northumberland) lasting one day, namely on the feast of St Mary Magdalene, and a market every week on Wednesdays.

Original Charters of King John