The Magna Carta Project

Notification of the King's grant of protection to the abbot and brothers of Abbaye Dunes, their men and possessions



Notification of the King's grant of protection to the abbot and brothers of Abbaye Dunes, their men and possessions


Abbaye Dunes (Institutions)

Date of issue

24 August 1199

Place of issue

Rouen (Places)


A = Bruges, Archives of the Grootseminarie, Fonds Duinen, no.284.


B = TNA C 53/1 (Charter Roll 1 John part 1) m.22. C = Bruges, Rijksarchief 1396 (Dunes cartulary) fo.183v-184r, s.xiii. D = Bruges, Grootseminarie ms. Fonds de Dunes inv. no.256, copy s.xiv. E = Ibid. ms. 169/34 (Dunes cartulary) fos.186v-187r, s.xiv.


Sealed sur double queue, three holes for cords, seal now reattached using yellow and pink cords, but the seal cord entering the majesty side of the seal between the h and A of IOhANNES, and emerging above the D of DOMINUS, seal impression yellowish green wax.


TNA C 53/1 (Charter Roll 1 John part 1) m.22.


(from B) RC, 12b



Endorsed: de theloneis regis Anglie (s.xiii med); .... de scapora (s.xiii) xxii. (s.xiv); various post-medieval endorsements.  Approx. 200 X 100 + 28mm. 

Photo of charter

Iohannes Dei gratia arex Angl(ie) dominus Hibern(ie) dux Norm(annie) et Aquit(anie) com(es) Andeg(auie) iustic(iis), vicecom(itibus), baill(iuis) et fidelibus suis totius Angl(ie) salutema.  Sciatis bquodb suscepimus in custodiam et protectionem nostram abbatem et fratres de Dunis et omnes res et homines et possessiones eorum, et ideo mandamus vob(is) et precipimus quod ipsos et omnes res et homines et possessiones eorum manuteneatis et custodiatis sicut res nostras proprias, nullam eis vel rebus suis facientes iniuriam aut molestiam aut grauam(en) nec hominibus suis aut ab aliquo fieri permittentes, et si quis eis in aliquo forisfecerit, id sine dilatione faciatis emendari.  Volumus etiam et firmiter precipimus quod abbas de Dunis et fratres eiusdem loci quieti sint de omnibus rebus et catall(is) suis que per terram nostram ducent de theloneo et pontagio et passagio et lestagio et omnibus aliis consuetudinibus que ad nos pertinent per totam terram nostram sicut carta Ric(ardi) reg(is) fratris nostri quam inde habent testatur.  cHiisc testibus: Willelmo dMarescallo com(ite) Pembroc'd, eRoberto de Turnham, Willelmo de Stagnoe.  Dat' fper manum H(uberti) Cantuar' archiepiscopi cancellar(ii) nostrif apud gRothomag'g xxiiii. die Augusti hregni nostri anno primoh.

aetc B bB inserts nos cHiis not in B dMaresc' com(ite) de Penbroc B eetc B fetc B gRothom' B hetc B


Notification that that the king has granted his protection to the abbot and brothers of Abbaye Dunes, their people and possessions.

Original Charters of King John