The Magna Carta Project

Notification of the King’s grant of quittance from tallage, pontage and other customs to Grandmont Priory




Notification of the King’s grant of quittance from tallage, pontage and other customs to Grandmont Priory


Grandmont Priory (Institutions)

Date of issue

13 March 1203

Place of issue

Rouen (Places)


Oxford, All Souls College Muniments Alberbury Charter 109 - by kind permission of the Warden and Fellows of All Souls College, Oxford


B = Shrewsbury, Shropshire Record Office 6001/6 p.178 no.112, copy from A by Edward Williams (d.1833).


Sealed sur double queue, pink, white and blueish green cords through 3 holes, cords trailing 380mm below charter, 230mm. below seal. Central portion of seal impression in light green, varnished dark green wax, the King's head offset to the left of the cords.



(English translation from AB) A.M. Wilson, Selected Early Charters of Alberbury Priory, Shropshire, in English Translation (Marbury 2007), 94-5 no.112



Endorsed: E 2 (s.xviii); no.112 (s.xviii/xix); various other modern endorsements.  Approx. 218 X 120 + 35mm. Over the opening letters are a series of pen strokes, cropped by the top of the document, that suggest that this piece of parchment was cut from a sheet with writing above. 

Photo of charterPhoto of charterPhoto of charter

Iohannes Dei gratia rex Angl(ie) dominus Hib(ernie) dux Norm(annie) Aquit(anie) et com(es) Andeg(auie) archiepiscopis, episcopis, abb(at)ibus, com(itibus), baron(ibus), iustic(iis), vicecom(itibus), prepositis et omnibus baill(iu)is et fidelibus suis salutem.  Volumus et firmiter precipimus quod fratres Grand'montis et homines sui sint quieti de talliagio, pontagio, theloneo, passagio, vinagio, fossagio, exercitu, misericordia et omni consuetudine et de omnibus rebus et occasionibus ad nos pertinentibus, et prohibemus ne aliquis ipsos fratres vel homines suos super hoc vexet vel disturbet, et si aliquis eos super hoc vexauerit, in misericordia nostra sit de decem libr(is) sterlengorum.  Test(ibus): R(oberto) com(ite) Leic', B(aldewino) com(ite) Albemarl', W(illelmo) com(ite) Sar', W(illelmo) de Brehos', Rog(ero) de Toeny, G(erardo) de Furniuall'.  Dat' per manum S(imonis) prepositi Beuerl' et archid(iaconi) Well' apud Rothom', xxxi. die Marc(ii) anno regni nostri quarto.


The king orders that the brothers of Grandmont Priory and their people be quit from tallage, pontage, and other customs.

Original Charters of King John