The Magna Carta Project

Notification of the King’s grant of the moor of Molineaux to Le Fontaine-Guérand




Notification of the King’s grant of the moor of Molineaux to Le Fontaine-Guérand


Le Fontaine-Guérand (Institutions)

Date of issue

15 February 1203

Place of issue

Rouen (Places)


Evreux AD Eure H1264


B = Ibid., a copy made 9 May 1670, from A, noting the presence of a green wax seal impression on ?pink (lacs de soye violleste) silk cords.


Sealed sur double queue, 3 holes for cords, cords and seal impression torn away.  



(from A) Calendar of documents preserved in France, illustrative of the history of Great Britain and Ireland: Vol.1. A.D. 918-1206, ed. J. Horace Round (London, 1899), 139 no.418.



Various post-medieval endorsements, including Cotté A 1er (s.xviii).  The word Iohan repeated twice on the inside of the fold, presumably as the opening word of a draft never completed.  Approx. 220 X 188 + 38mm. 

For the nuns of Fontaine-Guérand, founded c.1198 by Robert earl of Leicester, see Cottineau 1173; E. Chevalier in Annales de Normandie, lxxvi (1909), 194-201; Potthast, 4280-1.

Photo of charter

Iohannes Dei gratia rex Angl(ie) dominus Hibernie dux Normann(ie) Aquitann(ie) com(es) Andeg(auie) archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, comitibus, baronibus, iustic(iis), vicecom(itibus) et omnibus ball(iu)is et fidelibus suis salutem.  Sciatis nos pro salute anime nostre et antecessorum et successorum nostrorum dedisse et concessisse et presenti carta confirmasse in puram et perpetuam elemosinam monialibus de Fontibus Girardi ad edificand(am) abbatiam suam totum alnetum nostrum de Molinell’ cum omnibus pertinentiis suis, et totam terram que fuit Roberti May in eodem alneto quam heredibus suis excambiuimus in Anglia, et fossatum Rascinus et quicquid in eodem alneto habebamus sicut magna via inter Molinell’ et Rothom’ et sicut prefatum fossatum Rascinus de eodem alneto quod se extendit usque in Secanam et sicut caput alneti illius quod se extendit versus Coronam diuidunt usque Secanam preter tres acras quas dedimus leprosis de Quercu Canuta ante domum suam.  Quare volumus et firmiter precipimus quod predicte moniales habeant et teneant omnia predicta bene et in pace, libere et quiete, integre, plenarie et honorifice in omnibus locis et rebus sicut predictum est.  Test(ibus) B(alduino) com(ite) Albemarl’, Will(elm)o de Braos’, Rob(erto) de Harecurt, Hug(one) de Gurnay, Steph(an)o de Longocampo, Guarino de Glapiun, Petro de Stokes.  Dat’ per manum Hug(onis) de Well’ apud Roth’ xv. die Febr(uarii) anno regni nostri quarto.


Notification that, for the health of his soul and thoe souls of his ancestors and successors, the king has given, granted and confirmed to the nuns of Le Fontaine-Guérand, for the building of their abbey, the whole moor of Molineaux, and the whole land that was held by Robert May in the same moor, which the king has exchanged with Robert’s heirs in England, and whatever the king had in the same moor within the boundaries set out in the charter.

Original Charters of King John